Poem on The Dream
America, you never really knew the dream,
Deferred or broke or on the tree,
It’s carried deep inside our souls,
Inside our eyes and broken hearts
And blistered backs
And ashy skin,
You never knew the dream inside or saw the stairway’s marble lift to promised lands
Or purpled grains that wave of nowhere’s majesty,
You never felt the song you sang by standing up
Or heard our prayers to make it live,
by kneeling for some stolen grace,
You never knew the work we built,
Inside the every blessed hour
Or carved
And toiled
Then waited for,
But never ate but bitter fruits,
You never saw the hearts it took or robbed from mothers arms long died,
What can you know then of some dream,
that for yourselves you’ve always claimed,
Yet wrought not tears
Or blood or sweat,
To lift the load
To bear this work?
I cannot celebrate a dream ‘til you awaken to this truth.